Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Ozone?

Ozone Molecule
Ozone (O3) is an energized form of oxygen, which contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms we normally breathe. Ozone is the second most powerful sterilizer in the world and can be used to destroy bacteria, viruses, and odor.
Ozone is 1,000 times more effective as a disinfectant than chlorine! Interestingly, ozone occurs quite readily in nature, most often as a result of lightning strikes that occur during thunderstorms.
Ozone’s ability to heal occurs when it is broken down and metabolized in the body; this initiates a cascade of events to bring about health and wellness.
Is Ozone Safe?
When used medically by trained health care providers, ozone has a safer track record than ibuprofen. This is because ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant and very safe to use.
It’s highly recommended that you only receive ozone treatments from professionals who have undergone the proper ozone training and can show you their credentials.
Ozone IV Therapy
What Is Ozone IV Therapy?
For the patient, this experience is similar to donating blood. After the blood is drawn, it is quickly super oxygenated with ozone and dripped back through the same IV line into their system.
The process has been shown to increase oxygen utilization, regulate the immune system, vastly increase the rate of metabolism, stimulate the production of ATP and other energy molecules, stimulate regenerative cells and growth factors, as well as enhance circulation.
The third oxygen atom of ozone makes it extremely reactive. This atom readily attaches itself to other molecules. When contaminants such as bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, it creates a minuscule hole in the cell wall. Once the cell wall is destroyed, the bacteria will be unable to survive. This process is called oxidation.
What Are The Medical Applications Of Ozone IV Therapy?
In 1929, the directors of the most important hospitals in the USA published the book “Ozone and its Therapeutic Action,” which lists 114 diseases and their treatment through the application of ozone.
Ozone IV Therapy can significantly improve many illnesses, including:
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Diabetes
- Lupus
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Raynauds Disease
- Scleroderma
- Hepatitis
- Influenza
- Herpes Simplex/Zoster
- Mononucleosis
- Measles Infections
- Viral Pneumonia
- Fungal/Yeast Infection
- Chronic Fatigue
- Wound Infections
- Septicemia (Staph, Strep, Pneumococcus)
- Recurrent Skin Infections
- E-coli
- Psoriasis
- Heart Conditions
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Gangrene
- Vascular Headaches
- Many Chronic Pain Conditions
Is Ozone Safe?
When used medically by trained health care providers, ozone has a safer track record than ibuprofen. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant and very safe to use.
It’s highly recommended that you only receive ozone treatments from professionals who have gone through the proper ozone training and can show you their credentials.
Neural Therapy
What Is Neural Therapy?
Neural Therapy (NT) is a treatment of dysfunction(s) within the autonomic nervous system (ANS). These dysfunctions in the ANS are called interference fields.
These interference fields are electrophysiologically unstable and emit abnormal neurological signals to which the ANS reacts.
This creates myofascial pain patterns (muscle and fascia) and other pain syndromes. Virtually all orthopedic medical conditions have an ANS component, at least in part.
How Does Neural Therapy Work?
Neural Therapy involves intradermal and subcutaneous injections of scars, glands, trigger points, acupuncture points, vascular structures, ligaments, and autonomic ganglia with an anesthetic called Procaine.
What Are The Medical Applications Of Neural Therapy?
Neural Therapy (also known as Trigger Point Injection Therapy) has both local and systemic effects to help the body reach optimal health and function. When used for chronic pain and inflammation from physical ailments,
Neural Therapy helps reverse pain patterns by decreasing inflammation. This allows the brain to disassociate the areas of chronic pain bringing hyperactive nerve endings back to normal resting potential.
Neural Therapy is also helpful with pain created from scar tissue and adhesions by resolving scar tissue and restructuring the connective tissue around the old injury.
This type of therapy is also beneficial in treating other ailments of the body including, but not limited to:
- Crohns
- Colitis
- Asthma
- Liver Disease
- Kidney Disease
- Muscle Spasms
- Dysmenorrhea
- Angina
- Mental Illness Including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Bi-polar
- And Many Other Ailments Of The Body
What Is Procaine?
Procaine is the only anesthetic in its class, which, when injected into the tissues, will break down into two natural products (PABA and DEAE).
What this means for your body is no chemical breakdown, or liver detox must occur. These molecules help take your body from what we call a sympathetic ANS state (go go go, stress, fight or flight, inflammatory state) to a parasympathetic ANS state (rest, digest, relaxation, healing, calm, collected, and anti-inflammatory state).
Maintaining a parasympathetic nervous system state is vital to your ability to heal in any capacity.
Is Ozone Safe?
When used medically by trained health care providers, ozone has a safer track record than ibuprofen. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant and very safe to use.
It’s highly recommended that you only receive ozone treatments from professionals who have gone through the proper ozone training and can show you their credentials.
Prolozone Therapy
What Is Prolozone Therapy?
Prolozone is a non-surgical ligament reconstruction and permanent treatment for chronic pain. Prolozone is a connective tissue injection therapy of collagen-producing substances and ozone gas, which can reconstruct damaged or weakened connective tissue in and around joints.
These substances are injected into the damaged connective tissue in and around a joint to rebuild the damaged areas. Repairing the connective tissue is all that’s needed to resolve chronic pain permanently.
How Does Prolozone Therapy Work?
Ozone is a highly reactive molecule, and when injected into a joint capsule, it’s able to stimulate the fibroblastic (or regenerative) joint repairing abilities. This occurs when ozone is metabolized into different peroxides, which stimulates and enhances the growth factors in the surrounding areas for tissue regeneration and stabilization.
It’s important to understand what the word Prolozone means. Prolozone derives from the word ozone and the Latin word “proli,” which means to regenerate or rebuild. It means rebuilding tissues with ozone. “Prolo” is short for proliferation because the treatment causes the proliferation (growth, formation) of new ligament tissue in areas where it has become weak.
To sum up, Prolozone is a nonsurgical, injection-based treatment, which in many cases permanently resolves chronic pain patterns and can regenerate damaged tissues.
What Are The Medical Uses Of Prolozone Therapy?
In 1929, the directors of the most important hospitals in the U.S.A. published the book “Ozone and Its Therapeutic Action,” which lists 114 diseases and their treatment through the application of ozone.
Herniated disc therapy has a 60-80% success rate using just ozone/O2 injections. This series of injections has equal or better efficacy when compared to back surgeries. They also have the added benefit of no recuperation time and a small cost.
Disc Herniation isn’t the only application. Ozone is also extremely effective in treating spinal stenosis, neuropathic pain, and general chronic pain patterns.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
Similar to Neural Therapy and standard Prolotherapy, we clinically see the best results with three visits of ozone therapy one to two weeks apart. Ozone therapy is virtually painless and often can give you immediate relief from your back pain with no recovery time.
What Can I Expect After Treatment?
You will notice an increase in function with increased strength and stability. Expect a decrease in pain and stiffness and an increase in mobility. Physical examinations by your practitioner will confirm your progress as well as imaging studies (if necessary) to visualize the regeneration of tissues.
What Is Procaine?
Procaine is the only anesthetic in its class, which, when injected into the tissues, will break down into two natural products (PABA and DEAE).
What this means for your body is no chemical breakdown, or liver detox must occur. These molecules help take your body from what we call a sympathetic ANS state (go go go, stress, fight or flight, inflammatory state) to a parasympathetic ANS state (rest, digest, relaxation, healing, calm, collected, and anti-inflammatory state).
Maintaining a parasympathetic nervous system state is vital to your ability to heal in any capacity.
Is Ozone Safe?
When used medically by trained health care providers, ozone has a safer track record than ibuprofen. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant and very safe to use.
It’s highly recommended that you only receive ozone treatments from professionals who have gone through the proper ozone training and can show you their credentials.